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I'm Vicki Simpson
An Aussie-Italian Prophet, coach and consultant from the west coast of Australia!
In my 30+ years of full time Christian ministry, I have travelled all over the globe helping individuals and churches across multiple denominations navigate change, transition and challenging seasons in order to enter the "new era" that God has for them.
As a result, I bring a unique perspective and a wealth of experience to both my 1:1 clients and the churches/organisations I consult.
So, whether you're an individual longing to move forward or a church/organisation considering the future, see below for how I can help you.
Subscribe to my mailing list
For semi-regular emails with what I believe God is saying to us, for first access to small group coaching sessions or courses and for any other updates.

1:1 Clarity Session
A clarity coaching session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. The objective is clarity that will bring breakthrough.
Whatever the need, I have witnessed countless times that revelation can come through conversation.
1:1 Mentoring Session
A mentoring session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. The objective is coaching and development for those in ministry.
It is an opportunity for anyone in ministry, leadership or in training for ministry, to receive personalised equipping for their calling.

Be encouraged
“Put more faith in God’s ability to speak
than in your inability to hear.”
Vicki Simpson
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