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1:1 Services

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1:1 Clarity Session
A clarity coaching session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. The objective is clarity that will bring breakthrough.

Whatever the need, I have witnessed countless times that revelation can come through conversation.
1:1 Mentoring Session
A mentoring session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. 

It is an opportunity for anyone in ministry, leadership or in training for ministry, to receive personalised equipping for their calling.
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Prophetic Consultancy

Other Pathways
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Prophetic consultancy aims to help churches, teams and/or organisations navigate change, transition or challenging seasons to enter their "new era".


A prophetic consultation usually takes the form of a “round table” style discussion facilitated by me, Vicki, either in person or online, with a church or organisation's senior leaders, leadership teams or board.

This type of consultation is vertical and horizontal in nature, where the focus is on open and honest communication with God and with each other. A fresh set of prophetic eyes can often identify the issues which aren't obvious to the natural eye and provide God given solutions.


Psalm 36:9 "In your light we see light."

Prophetic Consultancy
Vicki Simpson ministering at Hillsong
Vicki Simpson on a live online call

Over the last 5 years of my 30+ years as a Prophet in full time Christian ministry, I've received more and more requests to assist church and marketplace leaders, visionaries and people serving in church or their community on a 1:1 level.

To be able to facilitate these requests I have formalised two main pathways where I help, assist, mentor and offer guidance through conversation.


These are either of the above pathways, a 1:1 clarity or mentoring session.


I have experience and can assist across most areas, but I specialise in:


  • breaking through ministry ceilings and areas of frustration

  • releasing clarity to assist with decision making and destiny

  • developing your preaching and platform ministry

  • all aspects of the prophetic ministry

  • growing as a spiritual leader

  • support for women in ministry

  • breaking through on a personal level

Read more about the all pathways above, choose the one most appropriate for your situation and book a time that works for you.

I look forward to meeting with you!

  • What is a Clarity Session?
    A clarity coaching session is an online, one hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. We start by chatting about the area you’re needing clarity in; you may be stuck in some way or perhaps you’ve hit the proverbial brick wall, or maybe it’s much more complex than that. Whatever the need, I have witnessed countless times that revelation can come through conversation. My prayer is that a clarity coaching session will produce at least one “ah-ha/ lightbulb /the penny just dropped” moment. Be prepared for anything from an awakening to “a rude awakening". The objective is clarity leading to your breakthrough.
  • Who is it for?
    I work with church and marketplace leaders, creatives, business owners and motivated visionaries from all walks of life.
  • Who is it not for?
    I’m not a registered counsellor and this isn’t a counselling session, not even a prophetic one. So, if you’re in emotional or mental pain and your primary need is for healing or counselling rather than clarity, I encourage you to seek help from your pastor, GP or a professional therapist. A Clarity Session is also not an opportunity to receive a personal prophecy, the whole session is “prophetic” and I do pray for each person I work with, however, it is first and foremost a conversation and a partnering between the client, myself and the Holy Spirit to see “light”. I operate in such a way to empower the client and activate their faith to hear from God more clearly once the session has ended.
  • Can I do a one off session, or is it long term?
    You book each session as an individual sessions, I don't offer packages for this reason. However, I find that most people get the clarity they need in 1-3 sessions, they really are that effective! I do my best to quickly pinpoint what God’s purpose for each individual clarity session is.
  • Can I book a shorter session?
    I have never had a clarity session go for any less than an hour, therefore for these sessions the minimum booking time is 1hr.
  • If I pay for sessions in bulk do I get a discount?
    Due to the nature of a clarity session a bulk discount is not offered, as; 1. You may not need more than 1 session as I try to help you get clarity as quickly as possible and therefore you would require a refund. 2. I want to be able to give my full attention and focus to each call (and before each call as I'm praying for the client in advance). Each full session payment best allows me to do that.
  • Do I get access to you in between sessions?
    Yes, support is offered via email in between sessions if more than one session is required.
  • Which currency is the session charged in?
    All prices listed are in AUD.
  • What is a mentoring session?
    A mentoring session is an online, one hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson, to receive personalised equipping for their calling. A mentoring session isn’t a formal “lesson”, it is a conversation. It’s an opportunity for you to ask your most pressing questions regarding the “nitty gritty” and practicalities of your calling I have over 30 years experience in full time ministry and can help you in most areas, but can especially assist with: breaking through ministry ceilings and areas of frustration developing your preaching and platform ministry all aspects of the prophetic ministry growing as a spiritual leader support for women in ministry
  • Who is it for?
    It is an opportunity for anyone in leadership (marketplace or church) and/or in the ministry or in training for ministry. This would also suit you if you feel a purpose driven call for the career you're in and want to maximise it. Please note, if you don't feel that either a clarity or mentoring session is right for you, consider if prophetic consultancy could be more what you're looking for. Scroll back up the 'other pathways' section of this page to read more about it.
  • Who is it not for?
    Anyone who does not feel a purpose driven call for the career they're in, whether that be the marketplace or the ministry.
  • If I pay for sessions in bulk do I get a discount?
    Due to the nature of a mentoring session a bulk discount is not offered, as; 1. You may not need more than 1 session as I try to help you as quickly as possible and therefore you would require a refund. 2. I want to be able to give my full attention and focus to each call (and before each call as I'm praying for the client in advance). Each full session payment best allows me to do that.
  • Do I get access to you in between sessions?
    Yes, support is offered via email or WhatsApp in between sessions if more than one session is required.
  • Do you do small group mentoring sessions?
    Yes, one of my areas of particular interest is in assisting churches, organisations and boards to prophetically navigate change, transition or challenging seasons to enter their "new era". This is what I deem to be 'prophetic consultancy', something you can read more about if you scroll up to the 'other pathways' section of this page. If you would like to work with me in this capacity, please reach out to me via email at
  • Which currency is the session charged in?
    All prices listed are in AUD.


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