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1:1 Services

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1:1 Clarity Session
A clarity coaching session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. The objective is clarity that will bring breakthrough.

Whatever the need, I have witnessed countless times that revelation can come through conversation.
1:1 Mentoring Session
A mentoring session is an online, 1 hour, one on one personal session with me, Vicki Simpson. 

It is an opportunity for anyone in ministry, leadership or in training for ministry, to receive personalised equipping for their calling.
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Prophetic Consultancy

Other Pathways
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Prophetic consultancy aims to help churches, teams and/or organisations navigate change, transition or challenging seasons to enter their "new era".


A prophetic consultation usually takes the form of a “round table” style discussion facilitated by me, Vicki, either in person or online, with a church or organisation's senior leaders, leadership teams or board.


This type of consultation is vertical and horizontal in nature, where the focus is on open and honest communication with God and with each other. A fresh set of prophetic eyes can often identify the issues which aren't obvious to the natural eye and provide God given solutions.


Psalm 36:9 "In your light we see light."

Prophetic Consultancy
Vicki Simpson ministering at Hillsong
Vicki Simpson on a live online call

Over the last 5 years of my 30+ years as a Prophet in full time Christian ministry, I've received more and more requests to assist church and marketplace leaders, visionaries and people serving in church or their community on a 1:1 level.


To be able to facilitate these requests I have formalised two main pathways where I help, assist, mentor and offer guidance through conversation.


These are either of the above pathways, a 1:1 clarity or mentoring session.


I have experience and can assist across most areas, but I specialise in:


  • breaking through ministry ceilings and areas of frustration

  • releasing clarity to assist with decision making and destiny

  • developing your preaching and platform ministry

  • all aspects of the prophetic ministry

  • growing as a spiritual leader

  • support for women in ministry

  • breaking through on a personal level


Read more about the all pathways above, choose the one most appropriate for your situation and book a time that works for you.


I look forward to meeting with you!


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